
Last Updated: 24-07-2020 23:04



  1. Chavel Haye-Daniels

    Requesting a digital copy of my Allied Health Patient Care Certificate and Phlebotomist Certificate.

  2. Hi, I would like a credly badge for my completed courses. How do I go about getting that?

    1. Good morning. Sorry for the delay. A Digital Badge is only given with some Customized programmes. Once you meet all requirements, you will be notified by email to accept/receive your Digital Badge.

    1. Hello. A Digital Badge is only given with some Customized programmes. Once you meet all the requirements, you will be notified by email to accept/receive your Digital Badge. You can read more about Digital Badges by going to the ‘Resources’ tab here on the website, choose ‘Documents’, then scroll until you see the document titled ‘Digital Badging’.

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