
Last Updated: 05-06-2024 15:51



    1. Good morning. Late fee for what exam cycle? June examinations have already started. Please call 876-977-1700 or send an email to to speak to a customer service representative.

        1. Good morning, we do not offer training. However, we have a list of skills for online assessment. Please go to ‘Documents’ under the ‘Resources’ tab here on the website to see the list of skills being offered for November 2024 and February 2025 assessment cycle.

        2. How do I go about it? I have a nursing diploma but my nursing school did offer it so I need it now

          How do I go about getting it like how I ave a diploma in nursing already?

          1. Good morning. I do not understand your question. If you are asking about assessment, we offer assessment only services, once you have all the skills and knowledge already. We also offer institutional assessment, where you would need to register with one of our partnering institutions. For more information of assessment information please go to the ‘assessment’ tab on the website. You can also send us an email at or call us at 876-977-1700.

    1. Good day. Results will be sent to your institution. The institution will also need to send us a request to have certificates printed for all competent candidates.

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