Re-Sit and Appeal Procedures
Re-sit Procedure
Candidates may re-sit components of the summative assessment, providing that the re-sit is done within three (3) years of the date of the first assessment. If a candidate was unsuccessful in any component of their assessment, that is, achieved a rating below 3 in the External Written or Practical Assessment, he or she is eligible to re-sit the component failed. If three (3) years have elapsed before a student/trainee re-applies, the entire assessment will have to be repeated.
The re-sit application must be submitted, and accompanied by proof of payment of the re-sit assessment fee, before the stipulated application date. In addition, candidates must pay the registration fee (see NCTVET Fee Structure).
Appeal Procedure
A candidate may request a review of the assessment results if he/she is dissatisfied with the rating achieved or feels that an error may have been made during the processing of the assessment results.
Requests for review must be submitted in writing and accompanied by proof of payment of the required fee (refer to NCTVET Fee Structure) within six (6) months of the official release of the assessment results. The request should clearly indicate the name and registration number of the candidate, skill area, assessment date and the centre at which the assessment was conducted.
The findings of the review will be communicated to customers within the established timeline, as indicated on the ‘NCTVET Response Time for Customer Requests.’ The NCTVET, however, cannot guarantee that the findings of the review will be concluded before the next sitting of the assessment as the processing time for the request may go beyond the date for the next assessment cycle, depending on when the request was received. Therefore, it is advised that if a candidate wishes to re-sit the assessment in the next cycle, he/she should submit an application for assessment with the appropriate fees paid, pending the outcome of the review. If a favorable change occurs in the candidate’s result, then he/she should withdraw the application.
The appeal fee is refundable only if the review results in an improvement in the candidate’s score. The result of the review is final and no further requests for appeal will be entertained.